It may be challenging to find a space to store all of your shoes, especially if you have a variety of styles, such as boots, heels, sandals, flats, sneakers, or all of the above!
When they are not stored in the appropriate manner, shoes are cumbersome and take up a lot of space.
One of the most common and convenient methods to keep your shoes is to use a shoe rack that is angled at an angle. Shoe racks that are tilted are popular among customers for a variety of reasons. One of the most important factors is the fact that slanted shoe racks are modifiable.

This allows you to guarantee that your shoe rack takes up no more room than it really needs to. You may adjust your rack so that it is higher so that it can hold higher shoes like boots and heels, or you can adjust it so that it is lower so that it can hold your flats, flip-flops, sandals, and slippers. This may assist in freeing up crucial space in your closet so that you can store even more shoes, in addition to other essential things such as your clothing.
You may also keep your shoes in good condition by storing them on shelves or racks that are angled. When shoes are piled one upon the other or pushed into a location that is too tight for them, the shoes get ruined. This leads to unattractive scuffs and wrinkles, in addition to additional wear and tear. You may get away with doing this to a pair of hiking boots or running shoes, but you shouldn’t do it to your favorite pair of shoes since they deserve better.
Changing the angle at which you wear your shoes might actually put your shoes in a better light. Because they are tilted, not only can you get a better view at the whole of the shoe, but also the rest of the items in your collection. This gives you the freedom to arrange your space anyway you see fit and makes it far less difficult to track out the ideal pair of shoes.
Storing shoes using of straight shelves
When it comes to your wardrobe, there are times when you just can’t beat a timeless piece. When it comes to shelving for shoes, nothing beats the tried-and-true method of the straight shelf. When it comes to storing heavier shoes like boots, having straight shelves in your closet may be very useful. This is because boots tend to be bulkier than other types of shoes.

A second foolproof strategy for preserving the quality of your footwear collection is to store it on shelves that are vertically aligned. Each shoe has a safe and secure place to sit, with no room for it to slide or slip. Because of this, straight shelves are the best option for storing nicer and more costly shoes in a secure location.
Options for storage when you have an excessive number of shoes
All of these are useful methods for keeping the shoes you currently own; but, what do you do if you have an excessive amount of shoes? You’re in luck since we also have some advice to aid with that issue. Your first order of business should be to categorize your shoes according to the different seasons.
You do not leave your bulky winter jackets on display throughout the whole year. Why in the world would you allow snow boots or any other kind of winter gear take up precious closet space in the summer? When you have a new closet system to arrange your shoes, the only shoes you should put away are the ones that are appropriate for the current season.
Other pairs of shoes that you do not often wear may be placed in boxes and stashed atop your brand-new closet. We suggest using transparent boxes since it will be easier for you to remember which box each pair of shoes is in. You may also keep things more organized by adding photographs of the shoes to the boxes they come in.

You may always put extra shoes in your custom laundry room, garage cabinets, or even the foyer to your house if you want to keep them out of sight and out of mind.
If you do not have a custom laundry room, you can still store extra shoes in the entryway of your home. What works for you will depend on the shoes you already own as well as the results you wish to achieve with them. Perhaps you have a collection of luxury stilettos that you are eager to flaunt. It’s possible that you have a box full of running shoes that you’d prefer keep hidden from view.
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